Personal Interview Experiences

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SK Agarwal
SK Agarwal

Srishti: PI at IIM Indore


Srishti was shortlisted by IIM Indore for final selection round in PGP 2019-21 batch. Her personal Interview was held in February 2019. Before the Personal Interview she had to appear in Written Ability Test (WAT) at IIM Indore and had to write a brief essay of 300 words on the topicSome people believe that possession of nuclear weapons is a deterrent to war. Do you agree?’

Online Personal Interview Round For IIMs

After completing her WAT, Srishti went for Personal Interview round. There were three panelists P1, P2 and P3 in her interview board. All of them asked the questions one by one. Excerpts from her Personal Interview are as below: 


After greeting the panelists, she was asked to sit down and the PI round started:


P1: So, tell us about yourself.

Shristi Introduced herself. She was interrupted while answering and the question direction got changed to her work experience


P1: Okay. So, you did a bit of quality control in your company. Can you tell me about Six Sigma?

Shrishti told about the six sigma whatever she knew about it but did not guess or bluff

(After this, P2 took over)


P2: Here are some equations. You need to solve them and tell me the value of x in it.  in 3 variables to solve and asked me the value of x.

Shrishti saw the equations with 3 variables. Two of them were the same equations and she told the panelist that they couldn’t be solved without more information.

(The P1 again takes over)


P1: Okay. Which subject do you want us to ask you from?

Shrishti preferred the Engineering Drawing.


P1: That was a first-year subject and you’ve worked in the field.

Shrishti: Sir, it was in fourth year too, as computer aided engineering.

P1: Apart from that?

Shrishti: Other subjects I would prefer are Refrigeration and air conditioning

GD PI WAT Preparation: Tips from Experts and Toppers

P2: What are the different types of refrigeration cycles?

Shrishti answered the one she remembered. Other one she didn’t remember and said so.

P1: What is a tonne when you say it’s a one tonne AC or a 1.5 tonne AC?

Shrishti replied and defined the meaning


P2: Who is the speaker of Lok Sabha?

Shrishti: I am sorry sir, but I don’t know


P3: Tell me something about Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (it’s the name of my university)

Shrishti answered the question well as it was the name of her university also.


P3: What books has he written?

Shrishti: I don’t know that sir.


P3: Okay, I’ll be giving you a topic. You have 30 seconds to think and then speak for 90 sec.

Shrishti: Okay sir


P3: Your topic is Social Media does not add value to the youth.

Shrishti spoke against the topic very calmly, without mincing words. This was she got time to think while speaking also.

After 90 seconds P3 stopped Shrishti and said that the interview was over.


Also Read PI Experiences

SK Agarwal
SK Agarwal